
53.Financial risk management

Risk management principles

Arbonia has a centralised risk management system. The risk management process is carried out as stated in the internal guidelines. Any potential and material risks have been identified and quantified according to the likelihood, damage to reputation and impact. Overall, no potential risks have been identified in the business year, which could lead to material adjustments of net assets, the financial position and results of operations of the consolidated financial statements of Arbonia.

Due to its international business activities, the Group is subject to various financial risks, such as credit, liquidity and other market risks. The principal goal of risk management activities is to minimise financial risks to the continued existence (liquidity and default risks) and profitability (currency, interest rate fluctuation, price risks) while ensuring adequate solvency at any time. Risk minimisation does not mean to completely eliminate but rather to control financial risks in an economically useful manner within an identified framework. Depending on their assessment, the Group uses derivative and non-derivative financial instruments to hedge certain risks. To minimise financial default risks, derivative financial instruments are only entered into with banks which are specifically defined in the treasury policy.

There are financial management guidelines and principles within the Group that regulate the handling of currency, interest rate fluctuation, commodity and credit risks, the use of derivative and non-derivative financial instruments as well as the management of liquid funds not required for operations. The risk management guidelines adopted by the Board of Directors are implemented centrally by group treasury but in close cooperation with the Divisions.

The Group’s financial resources are not used for speculation purposes. The derivatives used aim to hedge underlying transactions.

Credit default risk

Credit risks arise from the possibility that the counterparty of a transaction might not be able or willing to meet its obligations. The credit risk relates to financial assets (see note 44) as well as to contract assets (see note 33).

The credit or default risk in relation to receivables and contract assets is controlled by the individual subsidiaries on a decentralised basis and limited through the assignment of credit limits on the basis of systematic and regular credit ratings. Corresponding guidelines are in place within the Group aiming at an ongoing control and value adjustment of open positions. Due to the broad diversification of the customer portfolio into various business segments and geographic regions but also the possibility to create construction tradesman’s liens or the use of credit insurance, the credit risk is limited. The 10 largest debtors of Arbonia's continuing

operations as of the balance sheet date accounted for a share of 28.9% (2023: 21.1%) of existing trade receivables. The 10 largest customers of continuing operations generated 26.4% (2023: 25.2%) of the Group’s net revenues in the reporting year.

To minimise financial default risks, cash and cash equivalents, fixed-term deposits and derivative financial instruments are only deposited or entered into with banks which are specifically defined in the treasury policy. The three largest banks accounted for 44% / 30% / 5% of total liquid funds as of the balance sheet date (2023: 65% / 28% / 6%).

The maximum credit risk corresponds to the book values or fair values of financial assets reported in note 44 and the book values of the contract assets reported in note 33. If applicable, these include derivative financial instruments having a positive fair value.

Liquidity risk

The liquidity risk arises from the fact that the Group might not be in a position to obtain the funds required to meet the obligations assumed in connection with financial instruments on the relevant due dates.

The cash, investments, financing and redemptions are managed and controlled on an ongoing basis by group treasury. The standard policy involves financial structures with matching maturities and currencies for each individual subsidiary. Scheduled cash requirements for the planning horizon must be secured under facility agreements or internal funding within the Group and / or via banks. By means of rolling monthly cash flow forecasts over a planning horizon of 12 months, the future cash development is forecasted in order to take measures in due time in the event of an excess coverage or shortfall. Arbonia monitors its liquidity risk with the aid of a consolidated liquidity plan, taking into account additional funding sources, e.g. undrawn credit limits. As individual divisions of Arbonia are subject to seasonal fluctuations, cash decreases early in the year but normally rises again in the second half of the year.

The available liquidity as of the balance sheet date (continuing and discontinued operations) is shown below:

in 1 000 CHF

31/ 12/ 2024

31/ 12/ 2023

Cash and cash equivalents

39 211

30 916

+ undrawn credit facilities

64 686

130 646

Total available liquidity

103 897

161 562

The syndicated loan taken out in 2020 includes the leverage ratio as covenant. If such covenant are not complied with, the banks may demand immediate redemption of their share. In 2024 and 2023, Arbonia complied with the covenant.

The contractually agreed maturities of financial liabilities within the meaning of IFRS 7 are set forth in note 43.

Market risk

(a) Currency risk

Due to the Group’s international focus, there are currency risks based on exchange rate fluctuations of various currencies. In the case of Arbonia, these mainly relate to the EUR, PLN, CZK and RUB.

A currency risk arises from transactions that are not settled in the functional currency of the Group companies. Group companies can hedge their net risk position for the period of the risk horizon with hedging transactions at Group Treasury. Arbonia’s risk position equals the sum of the subsidiaries’ net risk positions and is hedged by the group treasury with external counterparties using currency forward contracts of the relevant foreign currency. The hedging ratio depends on the maturity and currency risk exposure and is determined on a case by case basis.

In the reporting year, Arbonia entered into a CHF/ EUR Deal Contingent Forward for a nominal amount of EUR 400 million to hedge the foreign currency risks on a portion of the expected cash inflow in connection with the sale of the Climate Division. Arbonia applied hedge accounting in accordance with IFRS 9 for this transaction (see note 54).

Translation differences (translation risks) also arise from the consolidation in CHF of the financial statements of foreign subsidiaries prepared in foreign currencies. Translation affects the amount of earnings and comprehensive income. The major risk to the Group in connection with translation differences relates to the EUR. The effects of such exchange rate fluctuations on significant net investments are as much as possible hedged by means of natural hedges with liabilities in this currency.

For the description of market risks, IFRS 7 requires sensitivity analyses showing the effects of realistic currency fluctuations on Group earnings and shareholders’ equity. These effects are calculated on the basis of financial instruments existing as of the balance sheet date. In this context, it is assumed that all other variables remain unchanged. Translation risks arising from the translation of foreign subsidiaries are not included in the following table.

A 5% increase (decrease) of the EUR against the CHF (2023: 5%), a 5% increase (decrease) of the CZK against the CHF (2023: 5%), a 5% increase (decrease) of the PLN against the CHF (2023: 5%) or a 5% increase (decrease) of the RUB against the CHF (2023: 5%) would have the following effects on Arbonia’s Group result as of the balance sheet date:

in 1 000 CHF

31/ 12/ 2024





Assumed change





Impact of an increase on group result

1 499




Impact of a decrease on group result

– 1 499

– 821

– 842

– 130

in 1 000 CHF

31/ 12/ 2023





Assumed change





Impact of an increase on group result

2 545




Impact of a decrease on group result

– 2 545

– 508

– 681

– 178

(b) Interest rate risk

Interest rate risks arise from interest rate fluctuations which may have a negative effect on the Group’s asset and earnings position. Interest rate fluctuations result in changes in interest income and expenses relating to interest-bearing assets and liabilities. In addition, they may also affect the fair value of certain financial assets, liabilities and financial instruments, as set forth below under «Market risks».

Group companies are exclusively funded via group treasury on terms in line with the market and on a decentralised basis only in exceptional cases and with the prior approval of the CFO. Excess cash is also invested via group treasury (with the exception of Russia). The standard policy for the Group as well as for subsidiaries is that interest-bearing financial transactions in terms of capital commitment and fixed interest rates must always meet the underlying requirements. Derivative financial instruments, such as interest rate swaps or interest rate options, are used on a case-by-case basis by group treasury and only upon consultation with or according to the instruction of CFO.

For the description of interest fluctuation risks, IFRS 7 requires sensitivity analyses showing the effects of realistic fluctuations in market interest rates on Group earnings and shareholders’ equity. These effects are calculated on the basis of financial instruments existing as of the balance sheet date. In this context, it is assumed that all other variables remain unchanged and that the balance of financial instruments as of the balance sheet date is representative of the entire year. Fixed-rate financial instruments valued at amortised cost are not subject to interest rate fluctuation risks within the meaning of IFRS 7.

An increase (decrease) in the market interest level as of the balance sheet date by 50 basis points for CHF interest rates (2023: 50 basis points) or by 50 basis points for EUR interest rates (2023: 50 basis points) would have the effects set forth below on Group result from continuing operations of Arbonia:

in 1 000 CHF

31/ 12/ 2024

CHF interest rate

EUR interest rate

Assumed change in basis points



Variable interest-bearing financial instruments

Impact of an increase on group result from continuing operations

– 745

– 422

Impact of a decrease on group result from continuing operations



in 1 000 CHF

31/ 12/ 2023

CHF interest rate

EUR interest rate

Assumed change in basis points



Variable interest-bearing financial instruments

Impact of an increase on group result

– 496

– 19

Impact of a decrease on group result



(c) Other market risks

Fair value risk

Changes in fair values of financial assets, liabilities or financial instruments may affect the Group’s asset and earnings position.

For the description of market risks, IFRS 7 requires sensitivity analyses showing the effects of a reasonable potential change in risk variables, such as market prices, indices, etc., on prices of financial instruments, on the Group’s earnings and shareholders’ equity.

Equity management

The objective of Arbonia is a strong equity base to secure the Group’s future development. A sustainable equity ratio of between 45% and 55% is the goal. The shareholders’ equity corresponds to an equity ratio of 55.7% as of the balance sheet date (2023: 62.1%). The decrease in the equity ratio compared to the previous year is due in particular to the increase in total assets as a result of the Dimoldura and Lignis acquisitions.

With regard to the maximum amount still available for the creation of new share capital through a conditional and / or authorised capital increase, see note 48.

Arbonia is not governed by any regulatory authorities with respect to minimum capital requirements.