Creating and securing jobs
As regional employers, the Arbonia companies have a central importance: They create and secure jobs, generate income and pay public taxes. The membership in the Swissmem collective labour agreement (GAV) and further wage agreements gives the employees additional security in respect to working conditions and legal matters. Arbonia and its companies are therefore an important employer and economic factor in the respective regions. Many companies of Arbonia have a significant influence on their environment.
At the same time, it is our stated aim to permanently secure the attractiveness of our sites, further increase employee retention and retain valuable know-how and many years of experience. Measures for this range from cooperation with schools and universities to regional activities in personnel marketing, for example, through trade fair appearances and sponsoring.
All of our companies maintain continuous relationships to their stakeholders in order to communicate to the outside world innovative strength, social commitment and a positive aura for employee recruitment. Investments in the infrastructure as well as the progressing digitisation create further synergy effects within the Group and thereby provide high efficiency gains. The growing automation of routine activities further increases the quality of jobs. We as Arbonia thus provide our employees with modern facilities and offer them attractive, future-oriented jobs as well as a wide range of development and career opportunities.
By directly addressing the regional labour market and identifying potential employees early on, for example, in the framework of internships, the quality and quantity of the workforce at the respective sites is to be strengthened further. These targets can be quickly and simply checked: They are achieved when jobs can be filled and the site remains competitive.
Various employee benefits also contribute to our attractiveness as an employer. These include a programme for e-bikes or discounted memberships in fitness studios and swimming pools. A tailored integration management allows employees with health impairments to return to the workplace.
At the same time, we have made our workplaces more flexible – among other things with a connection for mobile work. The strengthening of employer branding is currently proving to be our greatest leverage: In light of the very tight applicant market, a clear and distinctive profile will be need to recruit enough qualified employees in the future as well (see introductory interview in the chapter).