
Report profile

With this sustainability report, Arbonia AG is publishing non-financial information on its operating activities for the fourth time (date of publication: 27 February 2024). It thereby enshrines ecological, social and economic sustainability in its corporate development. Arbonia documents its impact on the climate and the environment, specifies strategic sustainability targets and reports on the degree of target achievement for the material topics. The information includes overarching management approaches for the entire Group. In addition, the targets and measures are described on the level of the Climate Division (formerly HVAC) and the Doors Division.

This report has been created in accordance with the GRI Standards 2021. All information refers to the reporting period from 1 January to 31 December 2023 (by analogy with the financial reporting). The indicators were selected based on an updated materiality analysis in which various internal and external stakeholders were surveyed (see also in the chapter Materiality analysis). As a result, nine material topics were defined. Further guidelines for the content structure are ESG rating analyses, guidelines of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), as well as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.

The key environmental figures of this sustainability report include the resource consumption of all manufacturing companies of the Arbonia Group as well as the Corporate Center in Arbon, Switzerland. Alongside information about its direct (Scope 1) and indirect energy-related emissions (Scope 2), Arbonia provides extensive data about its overall supply chain (Scope 3) in this report. Pure administration and distribution companies were not included due to their low environmental impact. The key figures in relation to employees include all companies. Some Arbonia sites produce for several companies, which is why the corresponding site is often given in the report instead of the brand name.

There is an annual reporting cycle – the last report was published on 28 February 2023. Due to the effective requirements of the Swiss Code of Obligations Art. 964a ff., this report is divided into a mandatory part and a voluntary part. The scope of consolidation of the annual report is given on here.

The sustainability report has been created on behalf of Group Management and approved by the Board of Directors. It is not subject to any external audit.